We are buying a fireplace stove – what to choose.

Buying a fireplace stove – what to choose.

Buying a fireplace stove is a long-term decision, the fireplace is bought for years, for this reason we should consider this action carefully and plan well.

It should therefore answer the main question: what role will the fireplace in the house, decorative or heating, and perhaps it will have the task of combining these purposes.

What to look for when deciding on a particular fireplace insert:

  • Nominal power in kilowatts (kW) – that is the average power generated during one hour of using the fireplace under test conditions.
  • Heating efficiency – in good fireplaces it is between 50 and 80%.
  • Size of the hearth – generally, inserts with hearths from 60 cm to even 100 cm are proposed.
  • The character of the front of the fireplace insert – determines the aesthetics of the entire fireplace.
  • Species, quality of finish of the front – has the essence of neatness, appearance – it is important that we like it.
  • The number and type of glass walls determines the appearance of the fireplace and the cost of the insert.
  • The method of opening the door and picking out the ashes.
  • The way of regulating the combustion process.
  • The option of connecting to a hot air distribution system (DGP) in the case of air inserts.

If we choose, we decide to insert for heating, we should look at the additional accessories with which we are able to equip the chosen fireplace to increase its heating capacity and save on fuel.

See our range of fireplace inserts at https://sklep.komo.en/inserts-chimney

The accumulation mass, the water heat exchanger and the heated air distributor, the convector heat exchanger and the electronic combustion controller will meet the expectations of the most demanding user. It is worthwhile that these elements can be installed in the chosen fireplace insert.

Choosing these helpful elements increases the efficiency of the fireplace, which contributes to the economical use of wood. Such an extensive fireplace insert will be able to heat a 200 square meter house without any problems.

If you decide to choose a fireplace stove with extensive glazing, three or two panes of glass, it will delight us with its appearance and a nice view of the fire, but it will not be very useful for heating the entire surface of the house. Wide glazing in the fireplace insert at the same time means that the radiation through the glass is significant and greater heating of the room in which it is located. The consequence is that the heating energy to heat the entire house can simply run out.

It is also important to check whether the manufacturer has long-term experience. It is also important to have a network of authorized fitters who can install the fireplace well and provide warranty and after-warranty service.