Not only books. What else can be found in bookstores

Not just books. What else can be found in bookstores?

When we think of a bookstore, we think, of course, of books. However, bookshops have something more to offer, because they are not only a source of books, but also knowledge and entertainment on a high level. The most important thing is to think about the form of the classes, but once you find the right accommodation it is time to go to the city. So what can you find in bookstores besides books?

Language courses

In good stationary and online bookstores, such as for example the bookstore of Arkady publishing house, apart from books we can also find language courses in various forms. Sometimes they are dictionaries, sometimes puzzles, and sometimes whole language courses, allowing master the language on a basic level. Thanks to such a diversity everyone will be able to find such a form, which suits them best, or just fill in the gaps in the language.

CDs and DVDs

As mentioned in the introduction, bookshops have always offered music and sheet music in addition to books. And although music on the Internet and in mp3 files has dominated the music market, many people still listen to CDs, which in sound quality can not be matched by any file or streaming. This is especially important in classical or jazz music, where every note and every aliquot is important. In good bookstores we can still find CDs with classical and jazz music or with Gregorian chants. Combined with a good book about musicology or history of music, they can make a great gift for any music lover.


If we are going on a journey, our first stop can be a bookstore. This is where we can find various types of guidebooks, maps or atlases. Someone might ask: why do we need paper guidebooks, since there is the Internet? This question is rhetorical only on the surface – because no one guarantees the quality of advice on the Internet, not to mention the fact that not everywhere is a range. Paper guidebooks and maps are checked and edited by the publisher before they are printed. We can also always have them with us, regardless of the range and electricity. And we do not have to be distracted from our trip or sightseeing by constantly looking at our phone. Therefore, it is definitely worth getting good and reliable guidebooks, which we can get in bookstores.

Photo and art albums

In bookstores there are also available photo and art albums in high quality. The interaction with a really good printout cannot be replaced by even the best monitor. Looking at photographs or paintings on paper is also conducive to focus on them and their contemplation. When buying an album of photographs or an album of art, we also have a guarantee that specialists were involved in its preparation, so there is no possibility that someone else’s photograph will be found there – which happens quite often on the Internet, even on sites that at first glance inspire confidence. Photographs are also selected and arranged in a certain context – what is professionally called editing.

Photo albums and albums with art are also an element of interior design of our apartment. The better the album will look, the more pleasant it will be to stay in our four corners.

Articles for children

A separate category of articles available in bookstores (but not being books) are different kinds of articles for children. These are often board games, but we can also find coloring books, stickers or educational materials.